Health : Importance of physical activity in children

Childhood is the stage of life, provided with abundant energy by nature. This energy is available for physical growth of the body into an adult body. It is because of this energy that children and adolescents have a natural desire to run, frolic and roll and play active physical games.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Boys under the age of 14 enjoying tag rugby in Rubavu, Northern Province (Courtesy photo)

Childhood is the stage of life, provided with abundant energy by nature. This energy is available for physical growth of the body into an adult body. It is because of this energy that children and adolescents have a natural desire to run, frolic and roll and play active physical games.

But today the scenario is changing. Due to many kinds of electronic entertainment being available children are getting more attracted towards them. Children of affluent families are spending more time with computer and video games, instead of playing outdoor games or doing any physical work.

Pressure of increasing competition for seats in good universities and skilled jobs compels parents to pressurize their child to put more time in studies, than in the play field or parks. An average parent thinks that it is more useful for a child to give maximum time to school work, instead of playing or running which they consider a waste of time and energy.

This is going against nature and the resultant ill effects are also coming forwards. Childhood obesity is the direct result of children spending long hours in front of books, T.V. or computer and not indulging in any physical activity.

Because of lack of adequate physical activity, they don’t feel ravenous as is normal for youngsters. Thus their overall intake of food and nutrition is also affected. Eating junk food further contributes to obesity and lack of adequate important nutrients.

Same thing happens for their sleep also. They do not feel exhausted in the night and sleep at a wink which is otherwise normal for children. Except for school days, many children tend to stay up till late night studying or doing other work and get up late in the mornings. Thus the entire routine does not remain as healthy as is necessary. Due to this topsy turvy time table, they do not feel fresh physically or mentally and hence their work output is not up to their potential.

Research studies have proved that lack of physical activity and obesity in children is responsible for many young adults developing cardiovascular diseases. Even cases of type ii diabetes have been found in youngsters, which is otherwise considered a disease of middle aged and elderly people.

Their stamina for doing hard work is also reduced, which is a prerequisite for being successful.

Due to being glued on computer and T.V. screens for most of their times, far sight of children is being used sparingly. This leads to myopia, a visual defect where one finds it difficult to see far objects correctly. It is a common sight in developed countries to see children wearing thick eye glasses.

A youngster who remains active physically always has a good appetite, sleeps in time and feels fresh physically and mentally. He has much more stamina than his friends who remain sedentary most of the time. This certainly helps him to perform better in studies or any other field of his choice.

Outdoor games and physical activities keep young people away from other frivolous and potentially harmful activities. Thus their personality improves in every positive way as they grow up.

Considering these advantages of physical activity it is important for parents and guardians to encourage their children to be physically active. Group games like football, volley ball, e.t.c. are invigorating and also instil a sense of cooperation and team work among children.

In their free time, they can also do other physical work in the form of gardening, cleaning the house, car, e.t.c. This provides some physical activity and also a sense of thrill and satisfaction after the chore is completed.

Such activities will keep a child fresh the whole day and also improve his physical and mental stamina. This enables   him or her to work more hard. All these factors combine to give success to a child.

Therefore for overall development of a child and improving his skills, it is important that he indulges in some vigorous physical activity on a daily basis.