I hate people who…

…cannot pay their workers on time. Recently Rwanda’s independence and liberation days connived to provide one of the longest weekends one could ever ask for. However some people did not enjoy this holiday as their bad mannered bosses had not yet paid the June salaries. Allow me to hate these people for technically turning their employees into spectators when the rest of us were busy partying. It is even more annoying that some of these bosses did find the money to party while their workers were waiting in vain for their salaries. I hate you for being so inconsiderate. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

…cannot pay their workers on time. Recently Rwanda’s independence and liberation days connived to provide one of the longest weekends one could ever ask for. However some people did not enjoy this holiday as their bad mannered bosses had not yet paid the June salaries. Allow me to hate these people for technically turning their employees into spectators when the rest of us were busy partying. It is even more annoying that some of these bosses did find the money to party while their workers were waiting in vain for their salaries. I hate you for being so inconsiderate. 

…flee when it it’s time to party. I was really shocked when a large number of people including a few of my former friends (former because I hate them now) decided to run to Kampala when they found out that Friday and Monday were public holidays. What is wrong with some people? Instead of staying around to celebrate Rwanda’s liberation you chose to run away. How unpatriotic can some people be? I thought the reason the country was liberated was for you to enjoy what it has to offer not to run to neighbouring capitals in large numbers at a time when we are supposed to be celebrating as a family here in Kigali. No excuses today, I just hate you.

…insist on keeping pets they cannot look after. I have never understood why people get in relationships they cannot afford to maintain. I am not talking about this business off boyfriend-girlfriend. I am concerned and determined to hate for ever anyone who keeps a pet they cannot look after. Yes, I am talking to you whose cat is always roaming around my house looking for food. I am tired of seeing dogs that are also refugees. These hopeless dogs are always leaving their homes to roam the whole village in search of food. Sincerely there should be a law against owning a dog or cat you are not ready to feed. I pray they eat you one of these days.

…think it is a good idea to relocate the taxis from Rubangura’s. Please don’t tell me about planning for the city or getting rid of congestion. The mere fact that I now have to walk from the central prison (1930) uphill all the way to Nakumatt sometimes in the scorching sun is reason enough to hate whoever took this decision. I am so annoyed that instead of walking all the way down to the prison to find my taxi, I am just going to stop at Akagera motors and ask for the cheapest Toyota. I think I have enough savings to save myself from the compulsory gym work we have been subjected to.

…sending messages to people they don’t even know. I hope I am not the only one complaining but sincerely I am tired of the messages from the National Police telling me about the examination schedule for those wishing to acquire a driver’s licence. Please, guys, I am not interested in sitting for examinations for a driving permit. It was tough enough to sit for them in school and so now I am not ready for any more. Do not bother sending me those messages again as I will just delete it like all the rest. Send to those who applied for exams only. My phone number is clearly shown below so please next time you are sending these mass text messages skip my number so that I can save my battery for better things. Thank you for understanding my hatred.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com

or a text message to
+250 788 545293