The secret life…Thomas Muyombo

Thomas Muyombo a.k.a Tom Close, is one of the most popular musicians in the country. In a very short time, Tom has managed to get to great heights in the music industry. Below he tells us about himself; The first thing you do in the morning…  I say a prayer and then tune on the radio  

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Tom Close

Thomas Muyombo a.k.a Tom Close, is one of the most popular musicians in the country. In a very short time, Tom has managed to get to great heights in the music industry. Below he tells us about himself;

The first thing you do in the morning…

I say a prayer and then tune on the radio  

When are you happiest?

That time when am in the studio recording my music
Greatest fear…

Disappointing people

What has life taught you?

Everything one believes in is possible

Affectionate memory of your parents

The care they gave me especially my mother who also encouraged me to learn drawing

Child hood memory

It was in Uganda at the age of 4, when a fellow student tried to undermine me basing on my nationality

During your free time

I plan for what I have to do next
Retirement plans

I plan to build a nice house where I will be taking care of my family and teaching my children music.

Photo: G. Mugoya