Business Perspective:Good communication in business is vital

My friend Patricia sent her employee to go and inquire about some products in a certain wholesale shop in town, and he came back with a reply that shocked all of us who were in her office that afternoon. We do not sell African products, because they are substandard- that was the reply this young man got from one of the employees at the wholesale shop. Now what kind of an answer is this?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My friend Patricia sent her employee to go and inquire about some products in a certain wholesale shop in town, and he came back with a reply that shocked all of us who were in her office that afternoon.

We do not sell African products, because they are substandard- that was the reply this young man got from one of the employees at the wholesale shop. Now what kind of an answer is this?

Do some of these people in business know that there is something called business communication? The ability to communicate, and communicate well, is one of the biggest factors in business success.

You could be an excellent designer, but if you’re unable to promote your services and communicate effectively with clients and colleagues, your potential is limited. When you own a business, your livelihood depends on your ability to sell your services. You need to be able to convince prospects that you are the best person for the job, and when you don’t have the business language, you might as well close down the business and go back to the village and be a farmer only and not even a breeder because when you show an animal that kind of attitude, they can give you a kick to last you a life time.

Communication in business is very important because it can determine the direction of your business, no mater how big your company is. It is sad to note that sometimes you go to an office to ask about something and the receptionist does not even look at your face, she continues to look on her computer while talking to you rudely to suggest that your presence is a nuisance, and if you look closer you will find that she is just busy replying to her friends on the face book, all the while not knowing that she is doing injustice to the company she is working for.

When it comes to business, communication becomes even more important. This is the pillar on which professional relationships are built. If you want the maximum profits out of your business venture, it is essential that you have good communication skills with your clients, partners and even employees.

Communication plays a vital role in all business areas, everything from Business Development to Sales & Marketing. In business it is crucial and very important to have excellent communications skills, because lack of effective communications may lead to misunderstandings, lack of information, lower performance and loss in a company. Good communication will help companies increase productivity and help avoiding delays. Effective communication leads to an efficient style of management and to successful business practices.

Good communication skills go a long way in a business, you never know who will be your good client tomorrow so be courteous when talking to clients even if they want services or products that you don’t have, just be polite and communicate like a business man should.