What is the solution to Rwanda’s rapid population growth?
“People still produce many kids for security reasons; we must provide programs to ensure hat people are cared for in old age whether or not they have children.” Clementine Tunga - Student.
Friday, July 08, 2011
"People still produce many kids for security reasons; we must provide programs to ensure hat people are cared for in old age whether or not they have children.”
Clementine Tunga - Student.
"We must discourage religions that encourage overpopulation.”
Louise Akimana - Student.
"Improve the availability of contraception and family planning information. Making sure every child is a wanted child is a huge step.”
Margret Iriza - Hairstylist.
"Family planning is the way forward, given the high cost of living; producing one kid is the wise thing to do. Also we should increase farm productivity; income-earning mothers use their scarce time in productive employment rather than raising children.”
Janvier Mazimpaka - Kanombe resident.