Rubavu defends controversial tender

Rubavu District Tender Committee did not breach tendering procedures during the recent award of a tender, the district’s procurement officer said, refuting claims by bidders who alleged that the process was irregular. Rubavu District awarded a tender for the collection of taxes in Gisenyi town and other sectors to Francois Amin and Environment Forestry Enterprises Company Limited (EFECO), respectively.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Rubavu District Tender Committee did not breach tendering procedures during the recent award of a tender, the district’s procurement officer said, refuting claims by bidders who alleged that the process was irregular. 

Rubavu District awarded a tender for the collection of taxes in Gisenyi town and other sectors to Francois Amin and Environment Forestry Enterprises Company Limited (EFECO), respectively.

But the award has caused an impasse with some bidders questioning its validity, maintaining that it contravened tendering procedures.

"Before people complain of influence peddling, they should read the laws governing tenders because everything we did was within the confines of the law,” Gerald Mbarushimana, Rubavu procurement officer, maintained.

One of those who lost their bids complained that the tender was irregularly awarded to EFECO, yet the company did not fulfil all the stipulated guidelines.

The aggrieved party also blamed the district of delaying to announce results on time because the committee did not want the losers to appeal.

The tender was opened on the 10th/06/2011 and the announcement of the winners and losers was read out on 24th/06/2011, 14 days later.

But the law says that the announcement of the results is supposed to be made within 21 days from the opening of the tender.

Mbarushimana, maintained that the awarding of the tender complied with laws governing tendering.

"All the complaints arise because the bidders and the general public is ignorant of tendering procedures,” Basil Tuyisenge, another procurement officer said.

He appealed to the Rwanda Public Procurement Authority to sensitise people on tender rules and regulations.
