NGO donates cows to the needy in Rulindo

RULINDO-World Vision, Wednesday, donated 15 Friesian cows to deprived residents of Kinihira Sector, Rulindo District. According to Bonnheur Munyandamutsa, who represented the World Vision Northern Province director, the move was aimed at enabling the recipients to improve their livelihood.

Sunday, July 03, 2011
The cows by World Vision are aimed at alleviating poverty. (file photo)

RULINDO-World Vision, Wednesday, donated 15 Friesian cows to deprived residents of Kinihira Sector, Rulindo District.

According to Bonnheur Munyandamutsa, who represented the World Vision Northern Province director, the move was aimed at enabling the recipients to improve their livelihood.

"This aims at preventing children from living in the streets as a result of poverty that prevails in some families,” said Munyandamutsa.

"Some parents force their children to go to the streets to beg because they cannot afford to feed them”.

Most of the beneficiaries are historically marginalised people. Some who spoke to The New Times, said the donation was like a dream come true.

Jacqueline Musigiyende, 41, said her cow would produce manure to improve yields in her home garden.

The mother of three said: "I will get manure for my garden and feed my children with milk, something I had never dreamt of”.

Zaias Rutsingiza, another beneficially, said he hoped to use proceeds from his cow to pay school fees for his two children.

In a related development, the World Vision awarded the best two families with Rwf 100,000 each for their role in protecting children against violence.

Addressing the residents, Rulindo vice Mayor in charge of social affairs, Emilienne Niwemwiza, urged parents to take care of their children as they are a great asset in the country’s future.

She warned parents who force their children to beg in the streets.

"All children are supposed to attend school,” she reiterated.  
