Fashion/style: Jazz up your wardrobe with prints and patterns

Flowers, stripes, spots….Prints and patterns make fashion fun. But, wearing busy fabrics and looking great isn’t that easy. While patterns can liven up your wardrobe they can also accentuate your weight or height.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Flowers, stripes, spots….Prints and patterns make fashion fun. But, wearing busy fabrics and looking great isn’t that easy. While patterns can liven up your wardrobe they can also accentuate your weight or height.

Find here how to choose prints that are most flattering for you. Begin by determining the type of pattern best suited to you. Consider your personality - fun, serious, creative - and then consider your lifestyle - casual or corporate.

Pattern personalities

Vertical stripes convey strength and authority. They’re great for shorter women who want added height because vertical stripes elongate, making you look slimmer.

Horizontal stripes convey a more restful look (appropriate for business-casual situations), but they definitely accentuate width, making most women look heavier than they really are.

In other words, unless you’re super-slim, stay away from horizontal stripes. Diagonal stripes convey energy and creativity and are the most slimming pattern.

Floral patterns convey femininity and are perfect for social gatherings and weekend wear, which is why you see floral patterns a lot at parties and weddings. However, be sure to pick a floral pattern that is proportionate to your size.

If  petite you should choose a small- to medium-size floral print, while larger women will find larger floral prints more figure-flattering.

Polka dots also convey femininity. And most women can wear polka dots. Polka dots are the perfect answer for women who aren’t comfortable in floral patterns to show off their femininity.

Balance it out

When wearing a sassy print or pattern, you need to remember to balance things out. If you’re wearing a busy top, pair it with a neutral trousers or skirt and if you are wearing a printed pant, wear a plain top.

Know your body

Anyone can wear prints but there isn’t one specific pattern that is most flattering on all women. Take a look at your body type. If you’re bottom heavy, a printed top and black pants (which can give the illusion of being slimmer) would look fantastic.

If you’re top heavy, wear a black top and a beautiful printed skirt. Don’t forget a pair of basic black heels to finish the look. If you are petite, stick with small patterns. You don’t want the pattern to wear you.

Fashion designers say that patterns opposite to your face shape are the most complementary. So, if you have a round face, stay away from polka dots.

Don’t over do it

If you don’t want to wear bold and busy clothing and don’t think it’s flattering on your body type, you can always wear accessories with prints and patterns.

But remember if your clothes are bright or busy, avoid carrying handbags that are too. Match your outfit with a singled coloured bag. Otherwise you look like a decorated Christmas tree.

Shoes with prints and patterns could also be a fun way to dress up your look. When wearing ‘busy patterned’ shoes, wear a basic black dress or jeans and a basic top. This will draw attention to those amazing shoes and will balance out the look.

With these simply guidelines you are ready to jazz up your wardrobes and really have some fun with prints and patterns.
