Neighbour Diaries: Win some lose some

Yeah, a human being can’t be expected to act logically all the time. And in fact, if I am not mistaken, making mistakes is one of the things that make us human. To err is human, right? Good, now I believe you will not judge me for choosing not to go the logical way when I came to the point of making my decision about Clarisse, Dalia and Diane; Clarisse, my hot neighbour who also happened to be married, Dalia, my ex- neighbour with a crazy boyfriend, and Diane, my ex-girlfriend who wanted to make up again. I did what most men in my situation would do (at least that’s what I think most me would do). I decided to go for all the three of them.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Yeah, a human being can’t be expected to act logically all the time. And in fact, if I am not mistaken, making mistakes is one of the things that make us human.

 To err is human, right? Good, now I believe you will not judge me for choosing not to go the logical way when I came to the point of making my decision about Clarisse, Dalia and Diane; Clarisse, my hot neighbour who also happened to be married, Dalia, my ex- neighbour with a crazy boyfriend, and Diane, my ex-girlfriend who wanted to make up again.

 I did what most men in my situation would do (at least that’s what I think most me would do). I decided to go for all the three of them.

That evening, I called Diane and agreed to meet with her. We had coffee, which she insisted and paid for, and we talked. I had missed her terribly, and I could tell she had missed me too. When she asked me if there was a woman in my life, I said no of course! Well, I was interested in some other women, but I couldn’t exactly tell that to Diane. In the end, we agreed to give it a try and see if we could make our relationship work.

On my way back home, I passed by my old flat, and pretended I had come to see some other girl called Jasmine. But in fact, I had come to see Dalia. I knew her man wouldn’t be home yet. But I was surprised when I knocked on the door. It was Michael who opened for me. He recognized me immediately, and started tensing up. But I quickly calmed him down by telling him that I had come to apologies for the way I acted when we were still neighbours. He fell for it, when in fact, I had come to revive the real reason why he had almost killed me, the reason why I had left that flat. I left without seeing Dalia, feeling disappointed.

But twenty minutes from her house, and she texted me telling me "Please, don’t come back here. For the sake of both of us. Leave me alone”. Clearly, I had no intentions of doing that. I told you I am attracted to danger, like a bee is attracted to nectar. Finally, to seal off my day, I dropped in on my neighbour Clarisse, Dalia’s sister. I expected to find her husband home too, but well, he wasn’t there. And Clarisse was in a good mood because for starters she invited me in, made me a cup of coffee, and talked to me nicely for the very first time since I had got to know her. Along the course of the conversation, I learnt that her "husband” who wasn’t really her husband, just her fiancé, was away on work travel. Since she was in a good mood, I figured that I might never get another time to raise my issue; so I boldly told her that I had never seen anyone as totally confusing and disorienting as her. I told her I would like to get to know her better. While I talked, she kept quiet and listened to me. When I fin
ished, she asked me one question that blew all my plans to smithereens; she asked me, "Do you want to get close to me just like how you got close to Dalia?” She knew everything between me and Dalia. Not knowing what to say, I just kept quiet and looked at her. Then she told me, "Shem, you need to grow up. Now get out of my house before I call the police”. Not a nice way to seal off my day after all. For Clarisse and Dalia, I had to work harder if I was to get them.
