Relationships : Make your first date last!

You’ve had a number of firsts in your life! From first birthday to first day at school, there are so many things coming through for the first time and this has been with ease. Only one question lingers through one’s mind as it’s just about time for their first date-How do I handle this?Well, like many firsts, the question around uncertainties always comes into play but until one has experienced the rush of going through their first date, one can only but question how to handle this.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

You’ve had a number of firsts in your life! From first birthday to first day at school, there are so many things coming through for the first time and this has been with ease. Only one question lingers through one’s mind as it’s just about time for their first date-How do I handle this?

Well, like many firsts, the question around uncertainties always comes into play but until one has experienced the rush of going through their first date, one can only but question how to handle this.

I met with Juliana, an old friend from high school, who narrated to me how her first date fell into a total disaster .Tom had taken Juliana on a date but she never ever wanted to meet with him again. "Tom and I met online and we immediately liked each other. We were at a point in our lives, where we both felt that we need partners. It seemed like a perfect match in this cyberspace of strangers trying to find each other and so, we agreed to meet and take this relationship to the next level. This was a total disaster as we both had different expectations. I wore high end fashion and Tom just wore a plain T-shirt. It was a mismatch from the start. We were not the same people as we had both portrayed. Anyway, what really got me on my heels was when Tom leaned forward and planted a huge kiss on my lips as we said goodbye,” she said.

Julian is not her own in this predicament. I bet Tom feels the same about the experience and we can only imagine what his side of the story would be like. Many girls and guys feel the same when caught up in a fix of that kind.

Peter, however, says he enjoyed his first date and always reminisces about it with his now wife.

"I enjoy playing first date with her to date. We were very comfortable with each other and there was mutual respect at all levels. I mean we made our own food choices, laughed lightly at each other’s jokes and I made it a point to keep time, so did she. It was so much fun we both agreed to see each other again and when I proposed to her, I said it felt like the first date every time. We both loved it, "he says.

There is a whole lot of hype about first dates that gets everyone confused. I would say the best thing to go about this is be who you are. Create that air of comfort because a first date might as well lead to the creation of lives together for life or cause two parties to scatter from each other whenever they got close to each other. Take heed and utilize the most of comfort to bring out the best in you.

Here is how you can go about it

Dress up in what best defines you when going for a date. What you wear should impress you and your partner. Do not dress over the top or reveal too much of your assets as this will not be a comfortable sight. Do this when you get to know each other better.

Start off with a casual location which will create an ambience perfect for a date. It will work if you have comfortable seats in a not so crumpled area.

Keep the conversation light. Do not carry extra baggage from the ex or even misery over a lost partner. Make light jokes about your life, where you like to holiday, work, stories about the office clown and friends. Do not retire into silence as it will be an awkward situation.

Make it a memorable one…You alone knows how.

Dating can be very tiring because it’s a game but once you nail it that could be for life.