One of the few sports that I enjoy taking part in is playing golf. This is a game that many people like to associate it with a rich man. Yes it might be true considering the fact that golf kit costs an arm and a leg for some for us, but that is all gone now whether a rich man or just a commoner, golf can now be played by almost anyone who cares for it.

Friday, July 01, 2011
Tiger Woods

One of the few sports that I enjoy taking part in is playing golf. This is a game that many people like to associate it with a rich man. Yes it might be true considering the fact that golf kit costs an arm and a leg for some for us, but that is all gone now whether a rich man or just a commoner, golf can now be played by almost anyone who cares for it.

My interest in golf came from watching Tiger Woods play on TV- I don’t know whether I was drawn to it by his good looks or the game, but what I know is that the guy got me hooked to golf.

I have attended numerous golf tournaments in and outside the country, even the most recent one sponsored by KCB Rwanda, but one thing I can say is that keen golfers are a very healthy lot considering the amount of time they spend walking around the golf course.

As I was discussing golf with my friends last weekend, one of them could not understand how golf can help her tone her body and muscles when I suggested she takes to playing golf as part of regimen; well see no further I told her-just look at tiger woods, his biceps and all and you will know what am talking about. But that aside, golf is a very good sport for cardio and weight control. Golf is recommended for cardiovascular workout to people who do not want to take into running and breaking into sweat and running short of breath.

Since golf requires a lot of moving up and down in the golf course, that walk is enough to speed up the metabolism which then lowers your cholesterol level making weight loss easier.

It is estimated that a round of golf burns about 300 calories in a 90 kg individual who plays for 1 hour while carrying his clubs or the golf kit, in fact I read somewhere that regular golfers live longer than people who don’t play golf.
In addition to that, walking around the golf course carrying your own clubs or the golf kit helps in weight bearing exercises which is good for the bones.

Weight bearing exercises two to three times a week can create long lean muscle mass, which helps support a strong skeleton. This type of exercise can also help prevent bone degeneration, including osteoporosis. To include weight bearing in your golf game, carry your club and a great option to release stress on your shoulders is a double strapped golf bag.

To those who are not keen golfers may wonder what it is that a person wants in the scorching sun all in the name of playing golf, well in as much as one can get vitamin D in eating some foods which are high in Vitamin D, the sun rays is a natural way to add some vitamin D in your body.

This vitamin is essential for strong bones, it regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and also helps regulate the growth of skin cells.

Any keen golfer will tell you that after a good day of golfing, they have no problem in getting a good night rest because that regular exercise increases the positives that sleep brings. You’ll fall asleep faster and remain in a deep sleep for a longer period of time if you are a regular golfer. Sleep is important because it allows time for your muscles to repair themselves. Playing a round of golf by day will likely increase the quality of your sleep at night.

Golf also offers opportunity to meet people every other day, in fact making friends increases endorphins, which help mental outlook and an overall feeling of well being. Studies have shown that people who remain social and friendly live up to six years longer than those that don’t.

Golf is a challenging game that needs patience, concentration and bodily coordination in order to shoot the golf ball into the hole. But once you get your bearings right, you will not only enjoy the game, but the benefits that come with teeing as well.