The secret life of… Eugène Cobra

Most people know the proprietor of Cadillac, one of Kigali’s favourite nightspots, as Cobra. Cobra has just returned from Germany where he won a trophy as the best truthful businessman in the world among other 68 participates.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Most people know the proprietor of Cadillac, one of Kigali’s favourite nightspots, as Cobra. Cobra has just returned from Germany where he won a trophy as the best truthful businessman in the world among other 68 participates.

Which kind of house do you live in?

A snobbish house of course

When you were young you dreamt of becoming……

Nothing really…probably just having a comfortable life.

The moment that changed my life was……

I don’t remember. I consider every moment in my life significant.

What do people say about you?

Many say I’m moneyed but down to earth.

What you hate about yourself?

Being lazy at sports.

All your money goes on…..

Business strictly, though sometimes I help the needy.

What was your greatest regret?

Not to say good-bye to mother when she was dying.

When you were happiest?

It was in 1994 when I returned from Burundi. And again recently, I was nominated among 68 businesspeople across the world and was awarded a trophy.

Which living person do you most admire and why?

His Excellence the President of the Republic of Rwanda, Paul Kagame. Because he liberated us and we are now living in our homeland peacefully.

What you hate most…..

A person who hampers my freedom. I regard such a person as my worst enemy.

What is your favourite word?

Traffic jam.

What is your favourite movie?

Any cowboy movie.

To whom would you wish to say sorry, and why?

I guess no one. I’m a clean man!

What does love mean to you?

It means being faithful and compassionate to your partner. I respect the word.

What was your best kiss like?

I have never considered any, because I hate kissing.

In your free time you…..

I spend time with my family at home chatting with my darling and my sweet five children.

Tell us a secret?

I’m planning to modify Cadillac into the best nightspot in the country with standard designs and facilities: from the dance floor to the bar and restaurant. I also intend to introduce African and Europeans dishes prepared by the best trained cooks. 

What is your most unappealing habit?

Backbiting, or poking my nose into other people’s business.

What has been your biggest disappointment?

God forbid. I have never been disappointed and I don’t wish to be.

What keeps you wake at night?

Nothing. After a busy day, I fall on my bed like a dead buffalo until morning.

If you could edit your past, what would you change?
Probably nothing. I have lived a well edited lifestyle. Ha! Hahaha….this is so interesting!!
