What does Rwanda’s Liberation Day mean to you?

On July 4th, 2011, Rwandans across the globe will celebrate Liberation Day. This is a significant Day because of the meaning attached to it. This is word on the street about what the Day means to Rwandans:

Friday, July 01, 2011

On July 4th, 2011, Rwandans across the globe will celebrate Liberation Day. This is a significant Day because of the meaning attached to it. This is word on the street about what the Day means to Rwandans:

VIVIEN BIZIMANA – Rural Support Sector Project- IT Manager.

"Liberation means to be free from oppression –Rwandans were liberated from fear, abuse by others where we stayed as refugees. Today, I live at peace in my home country, Rwanda.”

HERBERT KALISA- Kigali City resident.

"I am happy to be home. Born a refugee in a foreign country with no rights, I was not allowed to come to my country of origin – today I am no longer a refugee and I am proud of being a Rwandan.”

ALICE DUSABE- Student, Kigali Institute of Management.

"I am proud of the men and women who fought for the liberation of Rwandans. Women and girls have been empowered and are actively involved in the country’s socio-economic development.”

DIANA MBABAZI - IT Technician.

"Rwanda’s liberation was a historic duty. Those men and women who took up arms risked their lives for the cause of national liberation. It was a success and, whatever we are enjoying today is because these heroes gave their yesterday for our today.”
