We shall meet the MDGs

Dear editor, Allow me to share with the rest of my countrymen and women, the pleasure to say that most of Rwanda can access the internet. Our rural areas are getting connected to the rest of the world.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me to share with the rest of my countrymen and women, the pleasure to say that most of Rwanda can access the internet. Our rural areas are getting connected to the rest of the world.

If you moved in almost all the districts of Rwanda you will find that there is an internet connection. This has eased the burden of writing letters through the post office that used to delay for ages.

It has also helped the people to do some research without having to lament because of the scarcity of libraries. People have also been able to download up-to-date music from all corners of the world with ease.

This achievement is of great significance in as far as development is concerned. We shall therefore meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at all costs, given that communication has been eased so much, and modernity is now just a click away, as it were.