Taxi-Motorcyclists complete civic education

BURERA - Over 2,400 Taxi-motorcyclists from across the country have completed the national civic education course at the Rwanda Peace and Leadership Centre in Nkumba.The motorcyclists, who attended the programme known as Itorero, were trained in various phases with each group having a one-week intensive course.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Taximoto operators participate in drills as part of the Itorero in Nkumba. (Photo B Mukombozi)

BURERA - Over 2,400 Taxi-motorcyclists from across the country have completed the national civic education course at the Rwanda Peace and Leadership Centre in Nkumba.

The motorcyclists, who attended the programme known as Itorero, were trained in various phases with each group having a one-week intensive course.

They were briefed on national development strategic plans including; Rwanda’s vision, the local community performance contracts, and the role of Itorero in national development.

The State Minister in charge of Transport, Alexis Nzahabwanimana, who presided over the closure of the Itorero, challenged the operators to be partners in maintaining peace, order and security in their areas of work.

"You are a strong team, if you become exemplary, display integrity and discipline, you will give a new image to your trade and you will become partners in development,’’ Nzabonimana said.

The operators contributed over Rwf 2.8m towards the national anti-Nyakatsi drive to eradicate thatched houses.

Commissioner of Police, Cyprien Gatete, advised the group against breaching traffic rules and carrying passengers without helmets, and urged them to maintain a high degree of hygiene,"80% of road accidents are caused by motorcyclists. We have cases of cyclists who drink and ride,’’ Gatete said.

Jean Claude Nsabimana, one of the participants, said the course gave them an opportunity to share experience and learn about national programmes.
Boniface Rucagu, the chairman of national Itorero task force, also addressed the motorcyclists.

"Itorero is a result of this country’s poor history that divided Rwandans along ethnic lines that led to the Genocide.

This opportunity will lay a new ground of understanding our values and culture which united us over centuries,” he said.
