Kayonza passes Rwf 7.2b budget

KAYONZA - Kayonza District Council unanimously passed the over Rwf  7.2 billion budget for the next fiscal year, during an extraordinary meeting held in Kabarondo.According to the Mayor, John Mugabo, 60% of the budget will be used in the district’s operational costs, while 40% will be used on the general development of the district.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
John Mugabo the Mayor of Kayonza District

KAYONZA - Kayonza District Council unanimously passed the over Rwf  7.2 billion budget for the next fiscal year, during an extraordinary meeting held in Kabarondo.

According to the Mayor, John Mugabo, 60% of the budget will be used in the district’s operational costs, while 40% will be used on the general development of the district.

The Mayor told The New Times yesterday that the district will focus on infrastructure development, to meet the demands of the public.

Mugabo added that the central government slashed Rwf1.3 billion support prompting the district to also cut the budget by 2.3% compared to last year’s budget.

 "We reduced the budget due to a number of factors…we for instance avoided over reliance on donor money, which proved deceptive whenever it failed to come our way,” he said.

"The central Government will be giving us more money, subject to budget revision in mid-term. That explains why we had to wait until this time”.

Reacting on why the biggest percentage of the budget was allocated to District affairs, the mayor said that there were many things involved.

"The 60% will not only pay salaries as some people think…it pays wages, facilitates health centres and schools in all ways,” Mugabo explained.

Francisco Kanamugire, a resident of the district, said that even though the budget is big, it must be reflected on the ground.

He challenged local leaders to live to their expectations, by using the money wisely and genuinely, to implement the budget allocations.

"The issue is not the size of the budget, but the way the money is spent. We hope the new leadership will make a difference. Otherwise, authorities cannot explain why Kayonza public market has, for example, failed to be completed,” he said.
