Top police chiefs meet in Bujumbura

BUJUMBURA – Police Commissioner General Andrew Rwigamba and his counterparts from eleven African countries are meeting in the Burundian Capital, Bujumbura, as part of their ordinary gatherings aimed at combating crime.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

BUJUMBURA – Police Commissioner General Andrew Rwigamba and his counterparts from eleven African countries are meeting in the Burundian Capital, Bujumbura, as part of their ordinary gatherings aimed at combating crime.

Rwigamba will today present a paper the current security situation in Rwanda.

"The presentation will cover what our country is doing both internally and with other sister countries to fight crime,” he said.

The security chiefs are meeting in the ninth Eastern African Police Chiefs’ Council (EAPCCO).

Rwigamba also held talks with the Secretary General of the Regional Bureau of Interpol, Awad Dahia, who is attending the meeting, too.

"I extended to him Rwanda’s appreciation for their assistance in various fields.

They have been cooperative in as far as tracking criminals in concerned,” Rwigamba said.

Interpol has of late been at the forefront of tracking 1994 Rwanda Genocide fugitives still at large in various countries.

The organization recently led to the arrest of key Genocide suspect Isaac Kamali who was trying to enter US from France.

"It will help us (EAPCCO member states) where we cannot help ourselves as a region and it has pledged the support,” Rwigamba said.

Interpol provides training to regional police officers in combating cross-border crimes, information sharing, among others. 

"It has helped set up an intercommunication system (I247) so that we communicate and exchange information on criminal activities,” Rwigamba said.

Meanwhile, Uganda’s police Chief Gen. Kale Kayihura handed over to the EAPCCO chairmanship to Burundi’s police boss Gen. Guillaume Bunyoni.

The seat is rotated around all member states.

Security ministers from participating countries are expected to hold a ministerial session when the EAPCCO meeting comes to climax later this week.

Burundi’s Security Minister Gen. Evariste Ndayishimiye has already participated in some sessions.

The meeting is expected to end on Saturday.

Rwigamba’s delegation to meeting includes CID director Chief Superintendent Costa Habyara, the head of Interpol Rwanda, Tony Kulamba, head of police training, Cyprian Azarias Uwimana, a police legal officer.Ends