Health : Drug addiction -the problem and its solution

26th June has been observed as, “World Deaddiction Day”. That a separate day should be set aside for   deaddiction   to create awareness among people about it,   itself signifies how big the problem is globally. The word addiction simply means the state of being addicted. This is a state where one cannot do without a particular substance, and the body craves for it beyond reasoning.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

26th June has been observed as, "World Deaddiction Day”. That a separate day should be set aside for   deaddiction   to create awareness among people about it,   itself signifies how big the problem is globally.

The word addiction simply means the state of being addicted. This is a state where one cannot do without a particular substance, and the body craves for it beyond reasoning.

The substance in question can be in any form, a powder, liquid, tablet or injection. The most addicting substances used in the world are alcohol and tobacco. Apart from this, there are cocaine, marijuana, opium, cannabis, e.t.c., and many other substances which are abused by people.  Many people are addicted to more than one substance. Deaddiction is simply getting rid of the addiction.

People who use these addicting substances, suffer from many physical and mental   health related problems and are often in a weak and or somnolent state. They are thus not able to do any sufficient amount of work. This causes loss to the society as whole as there is  loss of potential productive man power. Apart from this, these addicts also suffer economically as whatever resources they have are spent in procuring drugs or other substances they are addicted to.

There are many reasons as to why people take to addicting substances. In case of adolescents and teenagers, peer pressure is an important factor responsible for addictions. Teenagers start taking alcohol or other addicting substances under influence of friends or to show off their macho. Once hooked on these substances, they find it difficult to give it up. If one or both parents are in the habit of using addicting substances, there are twice as likely chances of the children adopting this habit. Some youngsters, particularly the rich ones   start taking drugs only for the thrill it provides and which they lack in their luxurious idle lives.

Women get hooked to addictive substances for almost the same reasons as teenagers.   Drug addiction is harmful not only for a woman but also her children, when she is pregnant or breast feeding. Many neo-rich people start taking addicting substances just to flaunt their wealth and then they find it difficult to give up.

For many poor people globally, various addictions offer an escape from the harsh realities of the world.

.One has to be very vigilant about children of the growing age, less they succumb to this bad habit of drugs. More care is needed in case of  children living in boarding schools.

No drug addict readily accepts or tells that he has become habituated to drugs. But there are tell tale signs which a vigilant person can pick up to know that his friend or family member has become addicted to some addicting substance.

Loss of interest in company, apathy towards surroundings, craving to be alone or at a fixed particular place, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, flushed face, e.t.c., are signs which should alert one about the possibility of drug addiction in an individual. 

Once somebody is hooked to drugs, the habit should be nipped in bud by patient counseling. This counseling should be done by a well meaning friend or relative.

The individual should not be allowed to remain alone or be with friends who are drug or liquor addicts.  This minimizes the opportunity he will get to take drugs.  If possible, he or she should be kept occupied with small tasks to divert their minds from the abusive substance.

Medical supervision and treatment is needed to help the individual overcome the troublesome withdrawal symptoms.

It is also important to give due attention to the nutrition of the affected person as most of the  times they are malnourished.

If after all such efforts, a person does not get off drugs, he can be sent to a drug rehabilitation center. Here under guidance of trained professionals and in the company of people with similar problems, one may be benefitted more regarding quitting an addictive habit.

Once somebody has  undergone deaddiction therapy, care is needed to see that it does not relapse.

Each concerned individual can contribute towards disseminating information about the harmful effects of  drugs   and try to help one person get de- addicted.  This would definitely help on a large scale to reduce the number of addicts and turn them into productive citizens of the world.