LivingLife : Material Girl!

It’s the world’s worst kept secret - diamonds are a girl’s best friend. One Marylyn Monroe, famous American model and singer, in her song “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”, says, “The French are glad to die for love, they delight in fighting duels, But I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewels.” So it’s really true girls, and by that I mean the whole female species, are really material girls! Sounds insulting? Yes, I know, but before you lynch me, read on. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It’s the world’s worst kept secret - diamonds are a girl’s best friend. One Marylyn Monroe, famous American model and singer, in her song "diamonds are a girl’s best friend”, says, "The French are glad to die for love, they delight in fighting duels, But I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewels.”

So it’s really true girls, and by that I mean the whole female species, are really material girls! Sounds insulting? Yes, I know, but before you lynch me, read on. 

We live in a society which espouses values above materials, which is a very good thing. But they are a few real facts. Men are different from women and that is how God meant it. Men like women because they are beautiful and women like men because they are handsome hardworking providers.

And by the way, every woman is beautiful in their own way, for the record. We must hold our true values close to heart but the heart, that pulsating organ in the left of your breast is a very interesting organ.

Yes, it pumps blood all through you, hence keeping you alive and if it stops, you stop. So logically, the heart is in the centre of things but yet again the heart is the one thing that makes humans behave as illogical as they come. 

It is responsible for this thing they call love, which makes men give beautiful women diamonds that cost ridiculous amounts of money, yet they can’t even be eaten. Yes, that’s how stupid the heart and the human race are. 

Back to material girls – men don’t like gold diggers, but men want their wives to be ably provided for, that’s the God given assignment. Women don’t like to bleed their boyfriends’ wallets dry, but women again like to feel like they have someone they can depend on if suddenly the ground gave way and left them hanging – that person that would literally put their neck on the chopping block for them, whatever the circumstances. 

So civilization really has attempted to erase these sensibilities in the human race, but wait for that Mexican soap with a dead rich handsome Casanova, and an absolutely gorgeous innocent always wronged after poor girl comes on the telly – all the women (and some men quietly) drop everything to engage in this ritual of rediscovery, constantly putting themselves in the shoes of the innocent girl and trying to mould their lovers/ mates’ roles into the guy in the soap. That’s completely human. 

So it’s okay and natural to be a material girl once in a while especially for that supposed ‘soul mate’ or at least the current guy in the picture.

Of course, it’s another issue to pursue wealth devilishly from rich men and every rich man but it’s another thing to enjoy the delights that that interesting organ in the left of your chest throws at you. Look, I don’t like it myself for some hormones to play havoc with my calm composure, but yet again anything comes with package of negative and positive. 

So this weekend, make her your material girl – not diamonds by far, that’s obscenely expensive. Try a wild flower, a piece of chocolate (oh sorry, everyone does that – you will win no marks), maybe banana, or anything she relay likes, as long as you don’t go around announcing to the whole world. The secret is not in the detail – it lies in the wonderful surprise. 

I wish you a materialistic Sunday!