New dispensary for Bugarura Island

WESTERN PROVINCE RUTSIRO — Bugarura Island in Rutsiro district will in May this year get a dispensary to increase access to health services, an official has said.

Friday, March 07, 2008


RUTSIRO — Bugarura Island in Rutsiro district will in May this year get a dispensary to increase access to health services, an official has said.

People residing on the remote island on Lake Kivu have to travel by boats to access health services. The health center will be constructed by the National Aids Control Commission [CNLS].

"Bugarura Island lacks social and health services, residents have to cross Lake Kivu to Kinuni for any services,” said Jean Pierre Ayingoma, the coordinator of CNLS. Ayingoma who says has often visited the island was recently speaking in Rutsiro.

The project was reportedly approved after the minister of state in charge of Aids and other epidemic diseases, Innocent Nyaruhirira, visited the place last year and learnt of the health concerns.

The island that is said to act as a resting place for Congolese traders visiting Kibuye, hardly had a public toilet, leading to poor sanitation.

"Currently CNLS is offering a number of health services in Bugarura, but more is still needed,” said Ayingoma. He enumerated the services there as HIV/AIDS testing, family planning and malaria prevention activities through provision of treated mosquito nets.

Renovation of the building meant for the dispensary, is almost complete, the official stressed. However, residents feel the work is delayed.

"Even if it requires manpower, we can provide it to speed up the work,” said Claude Mizero a resident. The Island also lacks schools, but according to the mayor, John Ndimubahire, its construction is in the pipeline.

"We are considering the issue of schools in Bugarura,” he said.
