Rulindo approves Rwf 8 billion budget

RULINDO - Rulindo District Advisory Council finally approved the Rwf 8.2 billion budget for the fiscal year 2011-2012 after several revisions.The budget which was presented to the council on Sunday by the Mayor, Justus Kangwagye, seeks to improve lives of its residents.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Rulindo Mayor, Justus Kangwagye, tabled the district's budget

RULINDO - Rulindo District Advisory Council finally approved the Rwf 8.2 billion budget for the fiscal year 2011-2012 after several revisions.

The budget which was presented to the council on Sunday by the Mayor, Justus Kangwagye, seeks to improve lives of its residents.

"We want to better the lives of our residents through empowering microfinance institutions and improving road maintenance,” he said.

"We are already on the right track. This district began from scratch as there was nothing economically structured, but seeing where we are now is commendable”.

The district intends to improve infrastructure to spur economic development in the entire district.

Half of the budget was allocated to social welfare.30% percent was apportioned to economic development and 20 percent to good governance.

In an interview, the council’s president, Pascal Gatabazi, said the budget was passed after strict evaluation by the councillors.

"We are happy about the budget because it favours the residents and is based on priorities of government policies. It was well drafted,” he said, adding that his team would inspect its implementation.
