US war students on study tour

A delegation of three professors and fourteen students from the US’ Air War College arrived in Rwanda yesterday for a four-day study tour, according to Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF).

Friday, March 07, 2008

A delegation of three professors and fourteen students from the US’ Air War College arrived in Rwanda yesterday for a four-day study tour, according to Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF).

Maj. Jill Rutaremara, the RDF spokesperson, the said that the Americans’ visit is aimed at learning first hand the development that the country has registered after the 1994 Genocide.

The delegation is led by Col. Prof. James Smith.

Rutaremara said that during their stay, the group will meet with different Government officials including the President’s Special Envoy to the Great Lakes, Dr Richard Sezibera, RDF senior officers and Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) officials. He said that the group will be briefed on regional security and also visit various tourist sites around the country.

Rutaremara said that while Rwanda has previously been visited by similar delegations from different countries, it was the time students from the US college had visited the country.
