Save us from counterfeited goods

Dear editor, Recently, Umutara polytechnic was hit by water scarcity and the students were forced to seek water from a distant lake of Muhazi every morning and after classes.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Dear editor,
Recently, Umutara polytechnic was hit by water scarcity and the students were forced to seek water from a distant lake of Muhazi every morning and after classes.

One of the secondary school students had drowned in the same lake while trying to swim. We are afraid that the polytechnic students too may fall in the same trouble.

Loosing people’s lives in such a careless manner should not be accepted to happen. Water  can be brought near the students.

Though the school administration can try to make a duty roster of teachers to escort the students, it does not stop accidents.

There is need to bring water near to the schools as soon as possible to check unnecessary accidents.
