Country to increase forest cover

Approximately 15 districts have received support to develop and increase forest cover as a national priority.The development of the forestry sector is part of Vision 2020.According to the Ministry of Natural Resource, forest cover is set to significantly increase and reach 30% and 85% for Agro Forestry system of the ,national territory.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Approximately 15 districts have received support to develop and increase forest cover as a national priority.

The development of the forestry sector is part of Vision 2020.According to the Ministry of Natural Resource, forest cover is set to significantly increase and reach 30% and 85% for Agro Forestry system of the ,national territory.

The Ministry through its reforestation support programme, PAREF, will be implementing some activities to increase Rwanda forest cover which will include restoration of the country’s ecosystems and forests.

Claudine Habimana, PAREF Project Coordinator, highlighted that it aims at making forestry, one of the pillars of the national economy and ecological viability.

"The concept of caring for our environment, particularly our forests, is not a new one. However, what is new is the fact that we know more about the role of our forests in our daily life.

Now the focus must be on working together with community and prepare great programmes to actively increase forest cover in Rwanda,” said Habimana.

He explained that increasing forestry cover and the implementation of National Forest Policy contributes to poverty reduction, economic growth and environmental protection.

"Forests play a key role in aspects related to the protection of Rwanda’s ecosystems, biodiversity, the sustainable use of natural resources and climate change,” the project coordinator added.

According to Habimana, most often the poorest and vulnerable part of society depends very much on the forests.

This group can also revert to the forest resources in periods when their conditions get worse. The forest is then functioning as a safety net.

"They play an important role in the global and local water cycle,” she noted...
