Nyabihu residents welcome sanitary facilities

NYABIHU - Nyabihu residents commend Aquasan limited for improving their sanitation through the provision of Sanislabs and Mobiletsa panel toilet for dry sanitation.During the launch of the clean and green environment, Aquasan a member of Aquasan tec group, donated Sanislabs urine diverting sanitation solutions to over 20 families.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

NYABIHU - Nyabihu residents commend Aquasan limited for improving their sanitation through the provision of Sanislabs and Mobiletsa panel toilet for dry sanitation.

During the launch of the clean and green environment, Aquasan a member of Aquasan tec group, donated Sanislabs urine diverting sanitation solutions to over 20 families.

Two weeks after the installation of the facilities, the Sunday Times talked to the beneficiaries who say that their lives have been transformed.

"The toilet facilities have improved hygiene in communities as well as our health,” said Josephine Nkundabera, one of the recipients of the facilities.

She also added that it is a safe household sanitation facility which is clean, hygienic and affordable.

"It provides sanitation with privacy, dignity and security,” she said.Jean Mari Vianney Mugenzi also narrated the importance of the facilities to his community.

"If every household would be provided with such kind of facilities, there would be no more disposing of human waste in open places hence reducing diseases,” explained Mugenzi.

The Aquasan limited General Manager (Rwanda) Rakesh Vikram, said that the system enables families to safely manage and recycle their own waste effectively since no sewer, running water or septic tank is required and that it is also easy to clean.

The company gives these facilities to members of the community who have been nominated by their neighbours according to how poor they are.

"I didn’t have a toilet before but now I have one which provides privacy for me and my grandchildren,” said Francine Mukakibibi.
