Neighbour Diaries: Attempt Three turns into confusion

This hot neighbour of mine had so far proved to be a hard nut to crack. Fine, she was living with some guy, and so far, no one had told me what the exact relationship between the two of them was. Some people will say at this point that it was none of my business. But I will tell u the truth; for any one that looks like how that girl looks, it is definitely my business. I mean, it is not fair to me that even when I am working, I find it hard to concentrate on work because she keeps interfering with my thoughts!! The deal is; she leaves me alone, I leave her alone.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

This hot neighbour of mine had so far proved to be a hard nut to crack. Fine, she was living with some guy, and so far, no one had told me what the exact relationship between the two of them was.

Some people will say at this point that it was none of my business. But I will tell u the truth; for any one that looks like how that girl looks, it is definitely my business. I mean, it is not fair to me that even when I am working, I find it hard to concentrate on work because she keeps interfering with my thoughts!! The deal is; she leaves me alone, I leave her alone.

Well, I run into her again. Not at her place, at the supermarket this time. She saw me first, and I think she tried to hide. But then, I saw her trying to duck behind a shelf, and I went for her. I wonder why she even had to hide, because I have no bad plans for her. I was with my mum, and when she saw where I was headed, she came along. So, I just said hello to the girl, and walked on. There was no way I was going to vibe her with my mum listening in. No way.

As soon as we got home, I headed off to her place. She hadn’t got back from the supermarket so I waited for her. Soon, she came back. And out of the car, came also the last person I expected to see; Dalia! Dalia was my ex-neighbour. She lived with her suicidal murderous boyfriend Michael, in the flat right next to mine. Now this was interesting!   Clarisse introduced me to Dalia as her sister (imagine that!), and we shook hands. Somehow, we both silently agreed to keep the knowledge that we knew each other to ourselves.

Clarisse didn’t need to know about our history.  But there was something not quite fitting here; Dalia’s and Clarisse’s boyfriends were exactly the same; both were mean guys. It got me thinking. Were they attracted to the same kind of guys, or what? Did I have to be a mean guy to get these girls? Before I could wrap up my thoughts, Clarisse invited me into the house. Hmm, this was a first; both of the previous times I had been here, she hadn’t let me get into the house. Maybe it was because her sister was around. I entered the house and sat down. But I was terribly suffering from a case of confusion! I had had feelings for Dalia, and had actually come close to being killed for that. But today, I was here because of Clarisse; I honestly didn’t know what to do. Dalia is a naturally quiet person so she didn’t mind me sitting there silently, lost in my confusion. But for Clarisse, she wanted to know what I had come for. And I was truly lost, because I realized that while Clarisse was pretty and stunning, Dalia wa
s in a different class of beauty altogether! But the threat of Michael in Dalia’s life kept me at bay. So, I told Clarisse that I had just come to say hi, and stood up to leave. I needed to go and clear my mind before I lost it all. She didn’t stop me, neither did Dalia. I suspect Dalia also had her thoughts bothering her.

And she looked like she needed to talk to Clarisse in private. I left, went home, and when my mum saw me, trust mothers to always know, she asked me what was wrong. But I couldn’t tell her. I couldn’t start explaining that I was insanely attracted to Clarisse, who was "married” but at the same time, her sister, who was also "married”, and who I had been crazily in love with, had come back from the past to haunt me. Then I got a phone call; Diane wanted to know if we could meet and talk. Diane was my ex-girlfriend. She had thrown me out about two months ago!
