Rwanda products sell out in Dubai

“I sold off all my products and I was forced to order for more from Rwanda before the exhibition ended,” Gélardine Ndayizeye from Caplaki, a cooperative that makes handcrafts said. She was part of the Rwanda exhibitors who participated in this years’ Dubai Global Village Trade Fair.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

"I sold off all my products and I was forced to order for more from Rwanda before the exhibition ended,” Gélardine Ndayizeye from Caplaki, a cooperative that makes handcrafts said. She was part of the Rwanda exhibitors who participated in this years’ Dubai Global Village Trade Fair.

Ndayizeye was telling reporters at a press conference that Rwandan products  are on demand in the United Arab Emirates.

Jean Guy Afrika, director of export promotion at Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency (Riepa) said the Rwanda pavilion had 27 shops and 18 exhibitors from different sectors participated.

Government spent $85,000 (Frw46 million) to sponsor the exhibition to in a move to showcase the variety of products produced in the country.

He named some exhibitors as Riepa, Rwanda National Office of Tourism and National Parks (ORTPN), Gahaya links, Rwanda Heritage and African Heritage.

Others were Rwanda’s tea coffee and authorities— Ocir-thé and Ocir-café respectively.
