Health: Management of soft tissue injuries

Soft tissue injuries mean injury to the ligaments, tendons, muscles and or nerves, in any part of the body.These injuries usually result from   injury or overuse of a part.The injury causing damage to soft tissues can break the tendons, ligaments or muscle fibers, in part or totally. Even in case of trauma where the bone is fractured, overlying soft tissues may be damaged.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Soft tissue injuries mean injury to the ligaments, tendons, muscles and or nerves, in any part of the body. These injuries usually result from   injury or overuse of a part.

The injury causing damage to soft tissues can break the tendons, ligaments or muscle fibers, in part or totally. Even in case of trauma where the bone is fractured, overlying soft tissues may be damaged.

The injury can be any in form of a blow, road, accident, slipping down stairs, e.t.c.

Immediately after the injury, one feels pain over the injured part. A swelling may occur immediately or after some hours due to bleeding and extravasation of fluid from resultant  soft tissue inflammation.

In case of subcutaneous bleeding, a bruise may occur over the affected part. One has pain on movement, if the injury occurs in any of the limbs.

But severe pain and swelling usually occur only if there is associated crack or fracture of the underlying bone. In case of an open wound, there would be visible bleeding.

Once somebody has a soft tissue injury, it is important to give him first aid treatment immediately, before he or she is taken to a proper health care facility for management. 

If there is bleeding from the injured part, it needs to be stopped immediately by tying a bandage or cloth or ice compression.

Even if there is no overt bleeding, ice compresses are useful within the first 24 to 48 hours to reduce the soft tissue swelling and inflammation. The affected limb should be elevated to reduce the swelling.

Another important point to remember is that the affected limb or part should be immobilized in a position where the person feels comfortable and has no pain.

Immobilization is also important for soft tissue injuries to the chest. In this case, a thick cloth can be folded and strapped across the chest, to splint it.

Once the injured person is taken to a hospital or any other health care facility, he is given pain killer and anti-inflammatory tablets or injections, depending on the severity of the injury and intensity of the pain. Antibiotics are useful to prevent infection, more so if there is an open wound.

It is good for the individual to give rest to the affected limb or part by using it to the minimum, till the pain and swelling are completely settled.

Various physiotherapeutic techniques are also useful in complete healing of the soft tissue injury and getting complete respite from pain.

Hot compression, wax therapy, massage, e.t.c. techniques are beneficial for the patient. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, muscle stretching are other methods used to cure the residual muscle soreness.

Apart from these, non pharmacological techniques like acupressure also help in reducing the pain.

Once there is complete relief of pain, one can start active movements gradually. It is good to use a crepe or elastic  bandage for some days in case of injury to limbs, so that the pressure applied prevents pain and stiffness after the injury.

Active exercises of the limbs done after   recovery   from a soft tissue injury, helps to strengthen the damaged muscles or ligaments.

Only   precaution to be observed is that the number and duration of exercise done should be increased gradually. If one feels pain at any time during the exercise, it should be stopped immediately.

In case of children and young adults, recovery is usually complete. But in case of elderly, some residual pains persist.

This is due to stiffness of the muscles and joints due to aging.

Therefore it is vital in case of elderly that they use a crepe bandage while working, continue to do some simple exercise of the limbs and take pain killer medicine if pain recurs and is severe.