City garbage recycle plan in the offing

Kigali City Council (KCC) has started a technical study on how to recycle waste at Nyanza garbage site in Kicukiro District.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Kigali City Council (KCC) has started a technical study on how to recycle waste at Nyanza garbage site in Kicukiro District.

The development follows public complaints over the stench and mouldy flowing waste that emanate from the site, especially during the rainy season.

Kigali City Vice Mayor in charge of ecomonic affairs, Dieudonné Rumaragishyika yesterday confirmed the study is to identify how waste at the site can be recycled into other products. "This is the first time our proposal is being considered after we petitioned KCC last year to relieve us of this problem" William Ntidendereza, the mayor of Kicukiro District, said.

He said that the idea is to reduce the volume of the current waste at the site and recycle them into manure and charcoal. Rumaragishyika hopes that the success of the study, which is being conducted with the assistance of South African experts, will also enable the city to expand towards that garbage area in future.

He however stressed that waste from all corners of the city will continue to be dumped at the site until three new sites – one in each of the city districts – are identified.

People living near the site, who have always complained of various health problems owing to the garbage, insist the council should get an immediate solution. One resident, Natalie Ngirabatware, insisted that "the new plan should be implemented as soon as possible."
