The teen’s voice: Bush’s visit to Lycee de Kigali

The US president George W Bush recently visited Lycee de Kigali one of the Secondary schools in Kigali city. Different students had their say about Bush and visit in Africa.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The US president George W Bush recently visited Lycee de Kigali one of the Secondary schools in Kigali city. Different students had their say about Bush and visit in Africa.

Ndindabahizi Eliab,

Bush’s visitation at our school showed that he has strong love for children and their education. If he had enough time he would have visited other schools. 

Vitali Nyirangabo,

Bush’s visit to Africa portrayed his desire to finish his term of office as a US president who loved Africa. He is such a great president!    

Ntwali Alain,

I liked Bush; he is such a down to earth (humble) president. He proved his humility when he associated with the low profile people, students including.

Marie-Claire Uwamariya,

Bush is a man of integrity. No wonder he is the president of the most powerful nation in the world. His visit to Rwanda was great. 

Illumine Mukamurangwa,

Bush’s presence in Rwanda paralyzed the business sector. I am wondering what would happen if he was to stay longer. I think this showed how he is respected.

David Binama,

You could not even get a taxi along Kacyiru road. This proves that Bush is a strong person.
