Noah and the wooden ark

Our Bibles talk about this man called Noah, he was a righteous, blameless and God fearing man. Noah had three sons called Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah was six hundred years (600) old when God told him to build a wooden ark.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Our Bibles talk about this man called Noah, he was a righteous, blameless and God fearing man. Noah had three sons called Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah was six hundred years (600) old when God told him to build a wooden ark.

One day, when the number of the sinful people increased, God commanded Noah to build an ark in which his family and other creatures where to hide when the floods came.

Our Bibles say that Noah, his wife, sons and the wives of his sons all together entered the ark to escape the floods. God himself told Noah to let the living creatures to enter in the ark, both female and male.

When God saw that the family of Noah and all animals where inside the ark/boat he commanded the floods to cover the whole earth. All the sinful creatures including mankind on the dry land that were alive died.

Let me hope that by reading this story, you (children) have known how the ark saved the righteous people during Noah’s time. Now if I may ask you a question, do you know who will save us today?

Hope you have an answer for me, but for those who may not, I would like to tell you that Jesus Christ the son of God is our saviour. We have to believe in him so that we do not die like those sinful people at the time of Noah’s time.

Our saviour Jesus Christ loves us (children) so in return, you also have to love him because his purpose is to take us to the most beautiful place called "HEAVEN”.
