Cashier vanishes with Frw9 million

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — The district cashier and storekeeper identified as Savvier Ntamushobora has vanished with Frw9 m meant for salaries of local defence personnel and tax collectors.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


NYAGATARE — The district cashier and storekeeper identified as Savvier Ntamushobora has vanished with Frw9 m meant for salaries of local defence personnel and tax collectors.

Sources say Ntamushobora disappeared with a number of cheques and other documents which could easily be turned into cash. He is thought to have fled the country. Other sources say the money was meant to fund different district’s activities.

According to district vice mayor for finance and economic planning, Anseleme Majoro Rurangwa, it is two weeks since the cashier disappeared. He however, declined to reveal the exact amount of money, saying the district is still investigating the matter.

"It’s unbelievable because we trusted the man, he seemed to be a person of high integrity and hardworking, so we are still compiling a list of everything missing to find out the exact figure he stole,” he said by phone on Tuesday.

Rurangwa estimated the figure at just over Frw2m, but said it could be more than that.
