Kagarama secondary school honours Genocide victims

KICUKIRO - Students of Kagarama George Fox College in Kicukiro District, Friday paid a visit to Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre to pay their respects to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.The students toured the centre while guides briefed them about the country’s history before the Genocide, how it unfolded, effects and steps the government was undertaking to re-build, unite and reconcile Rwandans.

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Students of Kagarama George fox college at the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre

KICUKIRO - Students of Kagarama George Fox College in Kicukiro District, Friday paid a visit to Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre to pay their respects to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The students toured the centre while guides briefed them about the country’s history before the Genocide, how it unfolded, effects and steps the government was undertaking to re-build, unite and reconcile Rwandans.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, some of the students appealed to other schools to visit Genocide memorial centres so as to enable students intensify the fight against its ideology.

"Based on what I have witnessed, our efforts should be directed towards uniting to resist any form of indiscipline that would result in Genocide,” said Winnie Mbabazi.

She explained that after what the country has achieved 17 years after the Genocide, the youth must lead in preserving and even working hard for a bright future.

Another student, Abdallah Hakizimana, appreciated having memorial centres, saying it gives the young generation a chance to learn about the country’s past.

"I was not yet born when Genocide happened in my country, but I can now tell what happened by visiting this centre,” he said.

"Genocide memorial centres should be properly preserved so that even our children can see what happened to the motherland”.

Patrick Muneza, the teacher who led the team, said the school has put in place measures to help in the fight against Genocide ideology.

"Students are grouped in various clubs, including that of the Unity and Reconciliation and Never Again Genocide,” Muneza explained.
