Neighbour diaries

I think I always get attracted to just the wrong kind of women. I have studied this trend very carefully, and I have come to this realization that every woman I have dated has had something shady and mysterious about her.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I think I always get attracted to just the wrong kind of women. I have studied this trend very carefully, and I have come to this realization that every woman I have dated has had something shady and mysterious about her.

That is, apart from the very first girl I dated; she was an absolute angel, and whichever woman I end up with, that girl will always be my number one. Sorry ladies, but that’s the truth!

There are these two girls who are my neighbours, on both sides. Actually, they are my mother’s neighbours since I stay at her place, but the point is that they are both equally beautiful, equally nice people.

One of them is technically not a girl since "she is married”, like my mother emphasized to me last week. The other girl has just finished university, she has a nice job, and logically she would be a much better option for any man.

Even my own mother tried to set me and her up when I had just arrived. See, my mother thinks I don’t have focus when it comes to women.

She thinks that if I could get a nice girl, I would settle down and be a responsible member of society. I agree with her. I need a nice woman, but the truth is that I am not attracted to nice women.

The moment I realize there is no danger, then I am done getting attracted to her.

This other neighbour of mine, the girl who is married is a classic example. I   knew I was attracted to her when I first saw her, because she is a truly amazingly good looking girl.

But when I learnt that she was married, something else happened! I knew I had to have that woman. As if that hasn’t landed me into enough trouble in the past, I couldn’t get the idea of her from my head.

Even the little attraction I had felt for my other neighbour disappeared. My mother knew what I was up to, but I think she already knew there was nothing she could do about it, besides pray for me.

Well, yesterday, I went back to my neighbour’s. The last time, she had told me not to go back to her place. Then, I had understood that it was a wise idea not to go back. But a few days later, I had to go and talk to her.

I just had to! And so, yesterday afternoon, I went back to her house. This time I was ready with an excuse, in case I run into her man or husband again.

I had a painting that I would pretend my mum had asked me to bring over. That same painting would serve a double purpose; if I found the man there, I would just handover the painting and leave.

But if I didn’t find him, I would use the painting to start a conversation with the girl. And I would not even leave it with her after, no way. I am not in the habit of giving people free things.

I didn’t find the man there. The girl was in the house, I think looking even more beautiful because when she walked out, I was lost for words! It was until she said, "hello”, that I remembered it was rude to stare, and said, "Hi, how are you?” And she answered, I am fine, how can I help you?” I didn’t really need any help from the girl, but I asked her if I could get some drinking water.

I wanted to use this excuse to get into her house. But she told me, "Wait here” and brought the water outside to me.
It was time to bring out my plan B; the art piece.

I showed it to her, and without even bothering to ask if she was interested in art, I asked her; do you like it? It’s a famous painting. And she stood there looking at me probably wondering what was wrong with me.

Just as I was about to switch topics and tell her my real purpose of coming, her man came. He had been in the house all along! He had probably even heard everything I had told her. He came and looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

So, I gave the picture to the girl, and told her that my mother had told me to give it to her. And I walked away, feeling like a loser, but even more determined to get her!
