I hate people who…

…assume we all have the same religious affiliation. God is good, all the time. But some of his people make life hard for others.Last week I was on the bus to Kampala and I happened to sit next to someone who forgot we were actually in a bus! This guy kept singing gospel songs in my ear for hours. I love God but I hate it when someone takes it upon himself to sing to me gospel songs without my consent.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

…assume we all have the same religious affiliation.
God is good, all the time. But some of his people make life hard for others.

Last week I was on the bus to Kampala and I happened to sit next to someone who forgot we were actually in a bus!

This guy kept singing gospel songs in my ear for hours. I love God but I hate it when someone takes it upon himself to sing to me gospel songs without my consent.

I thought I had paid to travel in comfort to Kampala. Now it felt like sitting in a chapel.

No wonder I forgot to go to church last Sunday thinking I was there before. I could still hear that guy’s lousy voice in my ears. Jesus, please, save us from such people.

…cannot be exemplary to the youngsters.
Dear readers, please support our boys the Junior Wasps as they represent us at the U-17 FIFA World Cup.

These young boys have made us proud and we wish them the best. But this page is for hating not wishing so allow me to hate the bigger version, our national team Amavubi.

They are always being beaten yet we want them to win. Do they know how they are making our lives miserable? We are tired of hearing that the team has lost.

Something needs to be done or else I change from hating to playing football.

…use their mobile phones like radio calls.
Have you seen those radio calls used by the police and the army? Well some people with ordinary mobile phones are confusing the two and making me very annoyed in the process.

I just feel like beating the living day lights of those people who hold their phones next to the mouth to speak and then move the phone to the ear to hear what the other person is saying. There is a big difference between a mobile phone and a radio call.

You do not have to keep moving the mobile phone from mouth to ear. You only end up looking like a villager that was never recruited in the army.

…take their time when they can clearly see you are in a hurry.
It is official; I hate most of the people who sit behind those glass counters calling themselves bank tellers.

Being poor is a sad situation, but having money and having to line up to get it from the bank is becoming very annoying.
The people I am hating today are those who work in banks but take for ever to complete a normal transaction.

They spend more than 10 minutes to serve just one customer. Where were these people trained from if at all they were ever trained in the first place?  I am now going to start keeping my money under the bed until banks can style up.

…ask me whether I am on Facebook.
"Hi, how are you? By the way are you on Facebook? Which name do you use?” I have heard this lame line several times and I am really tired of it.
First of all I have a face so yes I am on Facebook. As for the name, I think you all know that I am The Hater.

So go ahead search for me on Facebook. No need to ask me. Do not ask me silly and obvious questions ever again.

Why don’t you ask me where I live instead of Facebook? I simply hate such idle questions. Why is the world becoming such a boring place?

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293