Finances: The Value of Money

The saying goes that God Made Man, Man Made Money (and) Money Made Man Mad. Money is all we want – the thing that can remove all of our problems. We know it is a medium f exchange. It can be a measure of wealth, but I like this particular one - Money is confidence and the belief that you can reuse the tool for future purchase.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The saying goes that God Made Man, Man Made Money (and) Money Made Man Mad. Money is all we want – the thing that can remove all of our problems. We know it is a medium f exchange.

It can be a measure of wealth, but I like this particular one - Money is confidence and the belief that you can reuse the tool for future purchase.

In together words money makes one feel safe that they can get what they need or want.

Money is really important when it s kept away waiting for unexpected for the future planned purchases. Some of us treat money like perishable goods.

As soon as it lands in the pocket, it begins to burn a hole through the skin into your body urging you to spend, spend, and spend.

If you are the type, then you don’t really know the value of money. In fact you don’t have money. Really, the first part of the journey is moving from "spend till you drop” to "keep some money away” even if it is for noting inconceivable yet.

The second part of that journey is even more interesting. What if you have all the money in the world, let’s say one billion Rwanda francs or may one hundred million dollars. What will you buy – a ranch, a jet, a yacht? And what do you d with the rest of it after enjoying all your hearts desires?

One man personifies this journey well. Generating wealth and giving away money to charity can also provide us with the satisfaction of knowing that your money has been of some use even if it is no longer of much use to you.

Perhaps the riches man of all time, John D. Rockefeller tithed ten percent of his earnings to his church all his life. Even past his death the Rockefeller Foundation is still giving away money for worthy causes.

Look at the richest men of these days, the lies of Bill Gates who after amassing so much money, have now decided to give most of it away before they die for good causes.

The fellow has even gone ahead to form an affluent club of rich men who don’t go to play chess, backgammon or gold but come together to commit themselves to giving all their wealth away, not to their sons but to the suffering masses. This is now their hearts desire after decades of wanting to make more and more money.

These examples tell us that we must pursue money, but that pursuit must be meaningful. We need to understand money first, use it to make more and to make our lives easier.

But we must also realize that money belongs to this earth. When we go even if we get buried with wads of notes – the money will simply rot away or get nibbled at by rodents.
