Extraordinary Art in Rwanda

The Rwesero Art Museum in Nyanza was set up to portray Rwanda art. Intriguing artistic items are assembled in the palace which was built by King Mutara III Rudahigwa. The King died before occupying his new palace. It is located at the top of the Rwesero hill in the city of Nyanza.

Friday, June 10, 2011
Andre Ndabaga, manager of Rwesero Art Museum, explains the meaning of Eugene Gumira's Iron sheet u2018where are youu2019.

The Rwesero Art Museum in Nyanza was set up to portray Rwanda art.

Intriguing artistic items are assembled in the palace which was built by King Mutara III Rudahigwa. The King died before occupying his new palace. It is located at the top of the Rwesero hill in the city of Nyanza.

According to the manager of Rwesero Art Museum, Andre Ndabaga, the museum was established in 2006 to promote art and crafts.

"Most art pieces are ceramics, sculptures as well as paintings. Each art piece carries a message because we stage a contest every year with a theme and artists compete. Foreign artist also compete,” Ndabaga discloses.
He adds that art pieces describe the artist’s mood or situations.

"For instance, the theme for the 2006 contest was ‘Peace and Tolerance’.  Eugene Gumira’s Iron sheet ‘where are you’, described the theme.

The numbers 597394 represent the years genocides occurred in Rwanda. The bands on the edges of the iron sheet represent colonial rule,” Ndabaga explains.
 He further adds that the holes and the cutting in the iron sheet show that bullets and machetes where used during the genocides.

"The dirty parts on the iron sheet indicate blood shed while the clean space shows the ray of hope.  The chain and padlock represent justice,” he says.

The 30-old year Jeannette Mukashema who had visited the museum for the first time said that the art collections are so intriguing.

"One can understand the meaning of the art pieces after the tour-guide has entirely explained what they portray. I’m impressed that in Rwanda we have extraordinary artists,” says Mukashema.

She adds that the art museum should be the source of inspiration for future artists.

"Student interested in art can be greatly motivated after visiting the museum,” Mukashema stresses.
