Relationships : Are you clingy?

As I sat at a unisex saloon in Giporoso where I had gone to have a hair do, there came this young beautiful lady. She seemed bothered by what I could not tell, but all I could see was that she was typing on her phone, maybe she was sending an SMS to someone, who knows?

Thursday, June 09, 2011
Being clingy is not fun at all... (Net Photo)

As I sat at a unisex saloon in Giporoso where I had gone to have a hair do, there came this young beautiful lady.

She seemed bothered by what I could not tell, but all I could see was that she was typing on her phone, maybe she was sending an SMS to someone, who knows?

After a few minutes, the phone rings and she asks, "Simon, where are you?” then switches it off and walks out with a lot of bitterness.

This left a hot debate in the saloon.
It is quite strange; a guy approaches a girl and lays his manifesto; when luck falls by his side and the girl takes it positively, it gives him reason to shout halleluiah.

Why then should this girl get to become the man in the relationship?

Like, a kitten plays with its tail, chasing it around, this is exactly the same way she will chase after this guy. I think something is wrong with this scenario yet too much of anything is bad.

Well, show some care, know how and where he is but give him some breathing space, remember he made the first move. Let him hang out with Tim, John, Jerry and the rest of the boys; after all, you might find yourself at the doorstep of the very people you do not want him to hang out with when you get into trouble.

When you carry him around like a handbag or become a remote control to see and control even the uncontrollable, then the point is all lost.

Being clingy is not fun at all. 
Men like attention, show them what you want and they certainly will follow as long as you let them be free to make choices. Women need to remember that his world does not solely rotate around you and him alone, he as well needs others, family and friends and so do you.

These things give people more reason to live. After all, its love and trust that binds couples.