Development centres commendable – PSF

Business Development Service (BDS) centres are performing to expectation, Prisca Mujawayezu, Private Sector Federation (PSF) deputy secretary general has said.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Business Development Service (BDS) centres are performing to expectation, Prisca Mujawayezu, Private Sector Federation (PSF) deputy secretary general has said.

The centres were started to help develop small and medium enterprises (SMEs) countrywide.

At the centres, experts facilitate SMEs to access loans, provide business advisory services and help businesses network. The vote of confidence in these centres comes after Mujawayezu, Sascha Flory, a German technical advisor and Jean Claude Uwizeyemungu, the PSF local and research manager evaluated the places.

Reliable sources say that the evaluation tour was carried out ahead of implementing the new BDS reinforcement strategy. The strategy will be championed by the PSF department of entrepreneurship and business growth with technical assistance of Sascha, the German expert. Recently the commerce ministry sunk Frw160 millions to increase BDS from five to nine, as of last year. But the target is establishing BDS in each of the 30 districts by 2010.
