We appreciate the superb services of KCMC eye clinic staff

Dear editor, We wish to extend a word of appreciation to the management and staff of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center’s (KCMC) Eye Clinic, Moshi, Tanzania, for the excellent service they rendered to us between 28th and 30th January 2008. We were advised to consult the experts at the Eye Clinic of KCMC by a friend who had just completed his post-graduate studies at the center, Dr Eugene Mwinura.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Dear editor,

We wish to extend a word of appreciation to the management and staff of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center’s (KCMC) Eye Clinic, Moshi, Tanzania, for the excellent service they rendered to us between 28th and 30th January 2008. We were advised to consult the experts at the Eye Clinic of KCMC by a friend who had just completed his post-graduate studies at the center, Dr Eugene Mwinura.

We arrived. we experienced a swift and efficient chain of services starting from the morning of 28th January 2008, till 30th January 2008, which took us through registration as outpatients through hospitalization to discharge. We wish to mention at this point that we had estimated at least 10 days for the whole process, and that the overall cost was much less than what we had thought.

We would like to acknowledge the dedicated and expert services rendered by our Dear Rwandan post-graduate Dr. Celestin Habiyakare, his colleagues Dr. Jason Pithuwa (post-grad Dr. from our neighbouring DRC), and the senior Opthalmologist, Dr. Hassan G. Hassan (Tanzanian) who coordinated the overall process and actually carried out the surgical operation. You can’t imagine that the successful operation took less than 30 minutes. For sure all this would not have happened without the excellent and capable leadership of Dr. Anthony Hall, Consultant Opthalmologist, and Head of Department.

It would be extremely unfair to fail to recognize the dedicated services offered by the nurses and other paramedics at the KCMC Eye Clinic, including the excellent work performed by one highly sociable nurse by the name of Mrs Grace Mvula, popularly known as "Chinja Chinja" literally translated as "Slaughter person", who is responsible to guide patients to and from the surgical room.

We would like to take this opportunity to appeal to our Ministry of Health (MINISANTE) authorities and fellow Rwandan Drs. and paramedics charged with attending to ophthalmic cases to emulate the excellent and dedicated services of the colleagues working at the KCMC’s Eye Clinic.


Kanombe, Kigali, Rwanda