Weekly review

Cabinet appoints new Auditor General A Cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame, Wednesday appointed Obadiah Biraro as the new Auditor General (AG) for state finances. Biraro replaces the long serving AG, Evelyn Kamagaju, who has held the position since 2004. Prior to his appointment, Biraro was the Deputy AG. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and holds an MBA from Uganda Martyrs University.

Saturday, June 04, 2011
Muslims congratulate their new Mufti Abdul Karim Gahutu (R) after his election on Friday. (Photo T Kisambira)

Cabinet appoints new Auditor General

A Cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame, Wednesday appointed Obadiah Biraro as the new Auditor General (AG) for state finances. Biraro replaces the long serving AG, Evelyn Kamagaju, who has held the position since 2004. Prior to his appointment, Biraro was the Deputy AG. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and holds an MBA from Uganda Martyrs University.

Biraro previously served in the banking sector, notably the Central Bank, the Cooperative Bank of Kenya and as a Certified Public Accountant in charge of various audits with Ernest &Young, Nairobi- Kenya. The same meeting also appointed Angelique Kantengwa, as the Director General (DG) of a new body, Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB). Kantengwa was the Senior Director Financial Stability, National Bank of Rwanda where she has worked for the last 15 years. She holds a Masters Degree in Economics and Social Sciences from the Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix –Namur – Belgium.

Media fraternity urge MPs to expedite reforms

Media practitioners have described Wednesday’s government’s approval of a string of proposed media reforms as a ‘major step forward’ and immediately called on Members of Parliament to consider the draft bills as a major priority. The Cabinet approved the long-awaited Access to Information Bill, which, if enacted into law, will be the first of its kind in the country, and seventh in Africa. Also approved are the draft media laws, the bill on the revised mandate of the Media High Council (MHC), the draft law governing the recently approved Rwanda Broadcasting Agency, as well as the revised media policy.

RRA impounds five smuggled DRC-bound vehicles

Six vehicles that entered Rwanda via the Rusumo border post destined for the Democratic Republic of Congo bearing ‘IT’ number plates were, this week, impounded by Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) and Police.The authorities took the action after the owners substituted the vehicles with Democratic Republic of Congo number plates to evade taxes.

The vehicles that left the Rusumo border were seven but one overturned in Rwamagana while the sixth is still missing, RRA officials said. Rwanda and DRC signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly fight cross-border smuggling as well as fraud. Over 90 percent of vehicles in Gisenyi town have Congolese number plates either owned by Congolese or Rwandans. The Rwandan authorities have in the past tried to ban them but with limited success.

KFW gets new director

The outgoing director of German Development Cooperation, Kfw, Dr. Stephan Kliengebiel, has described Rwanda’s policies as exceptional. Kliengebiel made these remarks during a ceremony to welcome the incoming KfW Head; Daniella Beckmann.He appreciated Rwandans’ contribution towards the development of their country that has remarkably improved in a very short time. Kampenta Pitchette Sayizonga, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, acknowledged the increased support from Germany.

The ‘Apprentice’ comes to Rwanda

Aspiring entrepreneurs in the country are set to benefit from an apprentice contest that will test their business skills and abilities. The competition, which was introduced by Inspire Africa, will bring together young entrepreneurs across East Africa to compete, with the winners walking away with US$50,000 (Rwf29.6m) as startup to their business. The Chief Executive Officer of Inspire Africa, Nelson Tugume, said that the competition, dubbed "Project Inspire” is a great opportunity for East Africans to showcase their business acumen and also benefit by winning the grand prize. "Project Inspire is an eviction based TV game where locally selected and trained entrepreneurs will tussle it out in several competitions,” he said.He added that application forms for those who want to participate can be obtained for free at RDB and ORINFOR offices.

EAC to form a panel of eminent persons

The East African Community (EAC) is planning to create a panel of eminent persons who will help solve political misunderstandings, a Senior EAC official announced.

According to the EAC Deputy Secretary General (Political Federation), Beatrice Kiraso, this will help avoid foreign mediation in times of conflict resolution. Kiraso added that the panel would constitute people in the calibre of; former Presidents, former high level politicians and former Chief Justices, who will be used as peace envoys and mediators.

She called on political parties in East Africa to shift from being national to regional-based and focus on cooperation.As part of efforts towards achieving cooperation among political parties in the region, Kiraso said that a political parties’ conference would be convened in September which will attract 156 parties from all partner states.
