Improve sanitation in the beautiful city

  Dear editor, Allow me to express my great concern over scarcity of toilets in Kigali city. It should be remembered that Kigali city is ranked among the cleanest cities in the world. And indeed it is! We cannot therefore afford to be taken back in ranks by city authorities who do not care about providing people with 24 hours access to sanitation.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me to express my great concern over scarcity of toilets in Kigali city. It should be remembered that Kigali city is ranked among the cleanest cities in the world. And indeed it is! We cannot therefore afford to be taken back in ranks by city authorities who do not care about providing people with 24 hours access to sanitation.

There are very few dirty toilets in the city generally and one wonders why the concerned does not put a change. This is a long standing issue. After the late Rubangura’s building was criticized and stopped from operating, I do not see why we allow the general public to suffer. He was not alone.

All restaurants, bars, etc, should be supervised and authorities have to make sure that clients have access to sanitation. How come a restaurant or a bar is allowed to operate without a toilet! Passengers waiting for taxes anywhere should access toilets. Let them pay and you provide the services, simple as that.

If there is no reaction next time I will reveal the culprits .