There’s a lot to life, but not being ‘girl crazy’

“Last warning! I say, last warning! Coming late for work, running through the door after 8:00 am, know that you will face back to where you were coming from”. Meaning that I will be fired! My mate told me as he mimicked his boss.

Saturday, June 04, 2011
Studying is one way of using energy constructively (Internet Photo)

"Last warning! I say, last warning! Coming late for work, running through the door after 8:00 am, know that you will face back to where you were coming from”. Meaning that I will be fired! My mate told me as he mimicked his boss.

When I asked him the reason for his delay, expecting a good answer (traffic, car problems) he rather blurted out "A GIRL”. To be sincere, I was put off by the dim answer. He was late because he spotted a shapely sister in a mini-skirt walking just a few blocks from the office. According to him, she had it going. Hair laid, lips glossed. And curves in all the right places.

Nevertheless, he continued to tell me how he went out of his way just to get an eyeful of this "dream girl” At first, it was easy for me to cast him off as a person who needs to get a grip, get his priorities before it’s too late. But, as I thought more of this expedition, I began to think, "Is he much different from the rest of us?”

Do all of us think about sex only? Do we have time to go through our daily reports at work? Or we just spend time thinking on how to get our next groove on? In other words, are we controlled way too much by our hormones?

Some people can’t function unless they are party-hopping, looking for their next one night-stand. Some gentlemen aren’t happy unless they are trying to roll up on a lady. Some people can’t simply smile at an attractive lady and say "hello” without giving her the "eye”.

This is not about a specific group or tribe, almost every male on this planet has got to endure ridiculous accusations that we are consumed by sex thoughts more than the opposite sex. True, there’s some agreement that men of all creed and colour are equally guilty. Just the thought of being intimate with only one lady scares some men so much that they vow never to settle down.

Of course, not all men fall victim to the prevailing school of thought that convinces boys at an early age that being a "man” means focusing less on the video games and getting to the next base with a female. Men, who are on the top of their game, as well as those working their way up to the top, didn’t get where they are by getting girl-crazy.

Most of us need to follow their lead, just think where you would be as a man who focuses more on important issues such as family, community, social responsibility and personal development other than being an ultimate dense man.

What if we pursued a university degree or a PhD with that same energy and thought? What if we pursued a religion, a hobby, or a talent with the same vim and vigour? Where would you be in five years from now? Who knows, we might be God-fearing men, climbing the corporate ladder, trekking the Virunga forest or leading a march on the 1st of December to fight AIDS.

When we have a good conversion about our selves, think about our selves deeply, it will allow us to be humble, self-confident and respectful. Ladies will gravitate to us because we have more to offer than the average man who will continue chasing skirts. We won’t have to chase them, they will.

When we take our minds off that proverbial one track, you will find there are much better things to do with our time than aimlessly following a shapely sister who’s walking down the street. Not the least of which is getting to work.