Perfect Weekend….Richard Ngarambe

Richard Ngarambe is currently one of the most popular music producers attached to The Future Production (TFP) music studio in Nyamirambo. Although he is also a student at Mt Kenya University-Rwanda, he says music is just part of his life having started as a musician.

Saturday, June 04, 2011
Richard Ngarambe

Richard Ngarambe is currently one of the most popular music producers attached to The Future Production (TFP) music studio in Nyamirambo. Although he is also a student at Mt Kenya University-Rwanda, he says music is just part of his life having started as a musician.

Below is how he spends his weekend;

I start my weekend on Saturday. I usually do some private work at home in the morning. By 12, I have lunch and later contact a few friends who I normally party with. I enjoy rice, meat and some times chips.

At 3p.m, we meet and discuss a wide range of issues among them education and music.
I may also decide to visit some relatives. However, if I have plans of going out, it’s always at Shooters nightclub in Kacyiru.

I may leave that place at 3a.m. On Sunday, I have to go for the morning church service and by 12p.m, I am at home. At around 6p.m, I go jogging or engage in physical fitness exercises at home.

At 8p.m, I listen to both local and international news. I have supper at around 9, and get to bed at 10.
