Kigabiro Sector needs Frw21m for sheltering the vulnerable

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — A six-member committee was last week elected to foster development in Kigabiro sector.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


RWAMAGANA — A six-member committee was last week elected to foster development in Kigabiro sector.

The committee to act as the development forum, the first of its kind, was elected by residents, other people hailing from the sector working in other areas and the business community operating from the sector. During the same occasion members raised Frw4.6 as part of Frw21 million the sector needs to finish 57 houses for vulnerable people which are currently under construction.

Addressing the member, at Ecole des Science Infirmieries, Valerie Nsenga Rubibi, the sector executive secretary said the forum would foster development.

He presented previous achievements in the sector and the action plan for the next five years. He said the sector was strategically located, and has human resources, a factor which should make them act as a model sector—Vision 2020 Umurenge. He however, appealed to members to support sector leaders in achieving development. He also called for assistance to vulnerable groups in the sector.

"Both the district and provincial headquarters are located in our sector. This provides an opportunity to exploit because most development activities are located here. But we still have about 92 vulnerable people who have no shelter, they therefore need your support," Rubibi said, adding that the sector is constructing 57 houses as part of the solution.

"With the will of all of us, we can help vulnerable groups and we can also attain development in our sector," Rubibi said, decrying the low turn up of most invited ‘sons’ of the sector.

"Many of them live in Kigali; we invited them but they did not turn up, yet the development under discussion concerns them," he observed and appealed to the newly elected committee to do much work of mobilising such people in order to achieve the purpose for which the forum has been formed.

Speaking as the chief guest, Valens Ntezirembo, the district mayor expressed confidence in the development forum and appealed to the members to work hard in line with the performance contracts.

He urged participants to always raise and exchange development ideas through the forum.

In his speech, Eugene Gisagara, the forum president called on participants to have commitment, to prioritize activities and to put in place a procedure aimed at achieving the set objectives.

The members resolved to form supportive commissions and sub commissions to achieve development. Some of the commissions that will be elected during the second sitting include the commission for economic development, with sub committees of trade and mobilization, and the commissions of social affairs and good governance.
