Police arrest prostitutes

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI —A Joint operation by police, local leaders and local defence personnel on Monday night netted 16 sex workers.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


GICUMBI —A Joint operation by police, local leaders and local defence personnel on Monday night netted 16 sex workers.

The operation carried out in Gacurabwenge and Rubyiniro slums of Byumba town also netted 45 liters of local potent gin-kanyanga at the residence of one of the prostitutes. The swoop follows persistent complaints by residents about the increasing number of prostitutes.

"Besides being prostitutes, these people are also a security threat because they provide sanctuary to thieves," said one resident.

The district vice mayor for social affairs, Eugenie Uwamahoro, condemned the prostitutes describing their work as shameful and against moral ethics. "Those sex workers who hail from outside Gicumbi district will be deported to their home districts, while those from Gicumbi will be sent to their respective sectors to be counseled to quit the bad habit," said Uwamahoro.

She noted that the hard stance against prostitution in most urban areas in the country has prompted some sex workers to migrate from one district to another to continue with their illicit trade. "Some of the arrested sex workers come all the way from Kibungo, Nyagatare and Kigali to operate their business here [Byumba] where they are not known," added Uwamahoro.

By press time, the sex workers were still being held at Byumba Police station awaiting further screening.
