Should Narcotic Drugs be legalized?

“If it happens that narcotic drug use is legalized, the Government should entirely be in charge of the narcotic drug stores. Otherwise narcotic drugs are not good for one’s health most especially if they are abused.” Robert Byarugaba, SFB Student.

Friday, June 03, 2011
L-R:Robert Byarugaba;Brenda Ruzindana;Ben Shalita;Jean Paul Mugabo

"If it happens that narcotic drug use is legalized, the Government should entirely be in charge of the narcotic drug stores. Otherwise narcotic drugs are not good for one’s health most especially if they are abused.”

Robert Byarugaba, SFB Student.

"Narcotics are highly addictive, if they’re to be legalized, there will be need of sensitizing the people and strict measures should be imposed.”

Brenda Ruzindana, City Radio employee.

"Yes, narcotic drugs should be legalized; many violence cases in the city are drug related. Therefore crimes related to drug abuse will drop if narcotic drugs are legalized.”

Ben Shalita, Kacyiru resident.

"Why not? If the Government can control its distribution, there is no problem. In fact, the Government can attain more revenue by imposing high tax rates on narcotic drugs, just like it does on alcohol.”

Jean Paul Mugabo, Remera resident.