Alpha Community Academy kids speak about their Field Study trip

“I was shown how the King used to live with his family and I was told that all his children that were above three years of age wouldn’t stay within the same house as the King.”Maurice Safari, 12, P.4.

Monday, May 30, 2011
L-R:Maurice Safari; Kevin Uwimpuhwe; Rodlige Rurangwa; Pleasant Mugwiza

"I was shown how the King used to live with his family and I was told that all his children that were above three years of age wouldn’t stay within the same house as the King.”

Maurice Safari, 12, P.4.

"I visited the library at the National University of Rwanda. I was told that both students and other people can use the books there.”

Kevin Uwimpuhwe, 8, P.4.

"There is a big difference between today and the old Kingdom days. For example the transportation means and attire were different.”

Rodlige Rurangwa, P.3.

"I had a chance to know how Presidents of Rwanda preceded each other and I saw all their photos.”

Pleasant Mugwiza, 8, P.4.