Entertainment : The Controversial M.O.P

They are not only famous for their music, but also for their name,” Masters of Prison”, (MOP). MOP is a new Rwandese hip-hop music group, composed of many upcoming rappers from the Kigali suburb of Gikondo, which they prefer to call Kosovo.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
The late reggae star Lucky Dube was famous for singing live with his entire band

They are not only famous for their music, but also for their name,” Masters of Prison”, (MOP). MOP is a new Rwandese hip-hop music group, composed of many upcoming rappers from the Kigali suburb of Gikondo, which they prefer to call Kosovo.

MOP rappers appeared on the local music scene in mid 2010. Former member, Bably Miheto was said to be the sole brain behind the group’s formation. Bably of the "Isoko” fame was later shown the exit from the group in early 2011, for alleged misconduct.

MOP rappers have been through a lot of feuds with showbiz journalists (radio presenters) and sometimes with fellow singers. The latest scenario was when they took hostage a local radio presenter and events organiser, for failure to pay them for their performances on a charity concert.

Bably was among the three artists who were apprehended by Police authorities to help in reaching and arresting MOP. They were later released though, and M.O.P apparently survived the hunt.

Like most local rappers, MOP sometimes has tough lyrics which can even scare away listeners. Their household name also raises controversy from some fans, as they (MOP) may be mistaken for a group familiar with crime and consequent imprisonment.

"Some people think that we are wrong characters, but Masters of Prison is just a name which should not be misinterpreted,” says one insider.

M.O.P says that it is destined to reach the top of the industry, no matter how much struggle comes before it.
Its latest release, "Candidature” is doing well already on the local radio play, after a long time without releasing any single hit. The group has many more projects in store for the fans in the near future.
