FASHION : Some avoidable fashion offences

I believe dressing is one of the forms of self-expression, but in today’s liberal fashion world, many times we find ourselves caught up in fashion tragedies. Some men make fashion mistakes that are just unforgivable!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I believe dressing is one of the forms of self-expression, but in today’s liberal fashion world, many times we find ourselves caught up in fashion tragedies. Some men make fashion mistakes that are just unforgivable!

Some of the most common fashion blunders men make include, wearing skinny jeans, or jeans that cling to the leg tightly from waist to ankle. These garbs should be avoided at all costs. Not only is this an extremely feminine styling, it is extremely unprofessional, bordering on ridiculous.

Bolo ties and cowboy hats are definitely out. While popular in some countries, these items are best kept for nostalgic value or as museum showpieces. The popped collar polo shirt is also something that one should avoid. The popped collar polo was a one-season wonder and was dubiously stylish for even that single season.

Guys running around in short sleeve shirts with neck ties look ridiculous and are almost impossible to take seriously. If I can’t trust you to make the most basic decisions when dressing yourself how can I trust your opinion on important topics in the workplace?

The only time it’s okay to wear a short sleeve shirt with a neck tie, is when you are wearing a jacket/coat over the top so people can’t see the short sleeves. If you take the coat off you better take off the neck tie too.

Another fashion disaster to avoid is the so called ‘urban wear’, essentially a code word for the descriptors: baggy, loose, ill-made, and flashy outfits. These are most definitely seeing a downturn in popularity.

Dressing twenty years younger than you are is unforgivable! It’s almost unnerving seeing an old man clad in disco shinny baby-green t-shirt. Some adults think that dressing like a teenager makes them look younger; it just makes you look like you’re trying to compete with 18-year-olds.

Camouflage of all description and make, lost popularity from it’s height in the late 1990’s to being relatively rare in both shirts and cargo pants today.

Tracksuits are great. But ultimately, tracksuits are sportswear, and they should be worn for just that, sports, not shopping or eating out or doing umuganda.

Last but not least. Socks and sandals! That’s probably the biggest fashion faux pas in the history of men’s fashion!